Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Insanity............

As with the majority of my fellow human beings here in the the 21st century, I am glad the majority of the holiday insanity is over. I can now wipe the frozen glaze off my ocular cavities and look forward to next year.
I have never been one to enjoy the rushing around finding last minute gifts to be given on one single day. I prefer to gather, hunt and create throughout the year, presenting those close to me with a surprise "thinking of you" gift. Giving something special at a random time always brings a smile.
However, I can not knock the holiday rush being it helps me out a bit as well! Thank you to those who supported me this holiday! I did somewhat enjoy focusing on the last minute custom orders. I will include a quick shot of a custom order completed, for a lovely lady visiting a friend, here in K.C.
Hope everyone is/will/has relaxed................
All my best-Andrea (Lady Recrudescence)

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